
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

iPod Battery Replacement - The "Ins" and "Outs"

After the iPod hit the market, it seemed as if Apple could do no wrong. Now everyone, regardless of their software camp, could enjoy one of Apple's classically cool and beautiful toys. It wasn't until about 12 months after the launch, when it came time to replace the first set of batteries, that Apple hit a bump in their groove.

The iPod isn't built for easy battery replacement like a cell phone. In order to replace the battery, the casing must be completely removed, exposing all of the internal components and introducing risk of damage.

Apple initially offered a battery replacement service for $249. They later offered a one year extended warranty for $60 that covers the battery. However, it's important to note that when Apple sends the replacement, it will be in a refurbished model iPod, not your original. Today you can find qualified repair shops to replace the battery for as little as $59 or do-it-yourself kits between $19 and $39 depending on the model.

The caution with the do-it-yourself (DIY) kits however, is that the iPod wasn't designed for the average user to change the battery. Plenty of people have been able to change their batteries without problem while countless online forums divulge a long list of complications faced as a result of users trying to change the battery.

Many specialty repair shops will do the replacement for little more than the cost of the battery itself. Some offer additional incentives such as iPod Mod's consumer-friendly lifetime battery replacement program. Under the program, the company will replace the battery once a year for life. Even better, your iPod is back in your hands within 48 hours with 30% more power than Apple's original battery.

Should you choose to replace the battery yourself, there are a few tips you'll want to keep in mind:

-Some models like the Nano require soldering directly onto the board. Be sure to check the details of the battery replacement before sending off for a DIY kit.

-Have a small thin tool on hand to pry apart the casing. Once the screws that hold the case together are removed, you still need to apply some force to open it and reveal the circuitry. Many have damaged their cases by trying to pry their iPods apart without the proper tools. Many replacement batteries come with special tools to help pry the case open.

-When disconnecting the battery, don't remove the rubber pad located on the hard drive.

Regardless of the battery complications, people still love the fun and freedom that the iPod offers. Do a little research before deciding how to handle your battery replacement as it's a routine that you'll need to repeat about once every year. Even if you're not thrilled about the fact that your unit will need to go through major surgery every year, there are customer-friendly iPod specialty companies available to make the process smooth and simple.

The author is a freelance copywriter. For more information about ipod repairs and ipod parts, visit

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What To Look For In DSL Service Providers

Thank goodness for the Internet! How did we ever get along without it? The answer to that is simple: very slowly. Over the last decade, the World Wide Web has evolved to provide more access to more people all over the planet. As with every global expansion, it has presented all kinds of business opportunities for those looking for a piece of virtual pie. With so many DSL service providers in competition, how do you know which one to chose?

You need to speak the lingo. There's a lot of jargon involved in technology. You have to understand what everything means so you can ask intelligent questions and make informed decisions. Part of what makes the process ridiculously complicated is that it's common for various terms to be used for the same technology or equipment. The word broadband refers to technology that allows more than one channel to transmit over a single wire, as opposed to dial-up which only lets on channel on the wire at a time. Sometimes this word is used interchangeably with DSL. A modem is a box that converts the signal, either digital or analog, into something your computer can understand. There are different kinds of modems with different features: broadband, cable, wireless and dial-up.

DSL stands for digital subscriber line, referring to the fact that it used a phone line to transfer digital data. Unlike ancient dial-up connections, DSL will allow digital information and voice waves to travel over the same phone line at the same time, so there's no need for the telephone to be tied up by the computer, and an intrusive phone call won't knock you offline. Telephones and computers can coexist peacefully in the same home. DSL will only work over a limited distance, so it may not be possible to get that kind of service in a small town or rural community. Before you get too deep into your research, you had better contact your phone company to make sure that DSL is available in your area.

Your phone company may suggest some possible DLS providers that are active where you live. Of course, the first thing most people look at is the price. The cost of service typically doesn't vary all that much. If you do stumble upon a provided that is significantly less than the others find out what's wrong with them. Do they not offer any kind of customer service? No help with installation? Remember, you usually get what you pay for.

Once you've got a short list, evaluate which ISPs or internet service providers they work with. Also, most companies will want you to sign an agreement or a contract. Very similar to what you would enter into with a cell phone company. Most people would rather shoot for a short (typically a minimum of one year) contract. That way your options are as open as possible and you won't be locked in for too long. However, if you're confident in your choice, there are usually discounts and other perks offered to those who sign on for longer.

You will most likely be some new equipment involved, usually a router (modem) and some software installation. Check to make sure if you are buying the equipment or renting it. Will someone be coming to your home to set things up, or will that be your responsibility? If you're not so techno savvy, look for a provider with 24-hour support. The deciding factor should be the amount of service and support you get for the price. You can visit to learn more about broadband internet.

Besides freeing up your telephone line, the biggest draw if DSL is speed. You want to ask about the rate of both downloads and uploads to help make your decision.

Kelly Hunter operates and writes about DSL Service Providers.

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How to Prevent Xbox 360 Flashing Red Lights Error

Xbox 360 gamers must cope with the dreaded Xbox 360 flashing red lights error if you were unlucky enough to purchase a defective gaming console. The infamous "3 Rings of Death" occurs because of hardware failure within the Xbox's core motherboard + hard drive system.

While there is no easy way to prevent this occurrence from happening again, there are a few quick ways to prevent your Xbox 360 from displaying the 3 red rings of death.

1. Move Your Xbox 360 to a Spacious Area on the Floor - Many believe the red rings error is partly caused by overheating problems with the 360's hard drive. Microsoft packed so much into the system that it gets hot very quickly. Always place your Xbox 360 on the floor with plenty of free room around the console to breathe. This will prevent overheating & limit the chances of seeing the 3 xbox red lights.

2. Always Turn off the Xbox Console with your Controller - Not a huge issue, but manually turning off the Xbox using your hand could put additional stress on the hard drive to shut off. By Using the controller, you give the Xbox a smoother shut down phase, and may extend the overall life of your Xbox console.

3. Clean All Games Thoroughly Before Inserting into the Xbox 360 - Often your Xbox games will collect dust & dirt after you play them for a while. Extra dust creates friction within the unit, perhaps causing it to fail during your gaming sessions. Keeping all games clean, along with your console, will help to prevent the xbox 360 3 red light error.

The easiest way to solve any problem is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. If your Xbox 360 console still shows the 3 blinking red lights, please see my resource box to fix your problem at once.

This article may be republished as long as the resource box is included and left in tact.

Need a Quick Fix for your Xbox 360 Console?

Visit my site to get your own Xbox 360 Red Lights Repair Guide.

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