
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why Are You So Afraid Of Tablet PC's?

The drill goes like this. Someone's looking for a new computer that is strong, portable and new. They need it for all the mundane tasks and they want it to last a while. Laptop. That is basically where folks arrive in their thinking when they tell me these things. Now that I have been familiar with a Gateway Tablet PC for nearly four months, I suggest they might find joy in also owning a Tablet PC. They shrink away with some un-nameable expression on their face and I am constantly bewildered.

Frankly, I thought these things were the cat's meow and still do. I thought my appreciation would be instantly viewed by others as an 'all clear' on the somewhat new technology. I thought I would be able to sell a few and so stocked up. I cannot be clear enough just how wrong I was and I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why!

I have spent ten years using computers on an almost daily basis and Tablet PC's seem to answer every want that a common computer user has. There are multiple ways to interact with it, the operating system (XP in my case) is exactly the same as XP is on a desktop, applications for a stylus have advanced by leaps and bounds, the RAM begins at outrageously large amounts and you can bend the thing in half to make the small device even smaller!

So this is for you, the laptop craving, Tablet PC fearing consumer thinking about buying that next strong, portable and new computer. You may have wished you could speak commands to your computer to start programs or type a paper or surf the web; Tablets do that. You might have been afraid that learning something new after learning Windows XP would tax your mind too much and kill any fun or productivity you once enjoyed; Tablets use the same stuff so no learning curve!

In between spreadsheets and checking your e-mails, you might have wanted to draw something or try your hand at painting a rose for a quick anniversary card that you almost forgot; Tablets can do that with exceptionally painterly applications based on the 'pen' (called a stylus) that can detect how light or hard you press making artistic endeavors fun and responsive. Furthermore, you may have finally heard that more RAM means a faster computer; Tablets typically begin at a full gigabyte of RAM eliminating that upgrade cost that comes with standard laptops that ship with minimums beginning at a quarter the amount of RAM.

All of the interactivity, voice commands, stylus sensitivity and XP familiarity and sup'ed up bundles of RAM add up to equal very capable DVD players, journal writers, e-mail checkers, web surfers or whatever else you have in mind for this strong, portable, new machine you envision. Since I began using my Tablet, it is now the only computer I have that I use for quick notes (handwriting recognition is pretty neat), DVD viewing (super-duper battery life means two movies on a single charge) and casual surfing (of course it's got 802.11 b/g wireless built in). So with such a testimony, why are you so afraid of tablet PC's?

Thanks to the inexplicable and universal fear that prevails among my clients and would-be clients, I have had to begin using or just give away as gifts every last Tablet PC I had. So you have nothing to fear from me; I could not sell you a Tablet if I wanted to! As a matter of fact, I must be so bad at selling these excellent little, fold-able workhorses that perhaps even this article cannot even sway you to consider spending your money in the smartest way possible when you get that strong, portable, new computer.

So while you plug away on your over-priced, only-folds-in-half and doesn't-swivel, vastly under-powered, remarkably heavy Vista Operating System RAM-hog, I will keep watching DVD after DVD on airplanes, swiveling my screen this way and that, painting little masterpieces in between taking notes and issuing commands to my subservient, light-weight over-powered Tablet PC wondering all the while what you are so afraid of....

Bryan Applegate has been fixing computers and teaching people how to use them for years. He is often writing happily about computers and generally interesting topics at and, until recently, had several very nice tablet PC's for sale.

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Improve Your Business' Wireless Connection

The internet plays a huge role in companies today, from communication between branches to doing research on work. You just need the internet to go down for an afternoon to feel the power it has over a business. With wireless connections, it might not be your Internet Service Provider (ISP) that has gone down, but your PC might just be out of range, causing temporary disconnection.

There are various ways to improve a wireless connection to ensure that all PCs that are in range get 24-hour access. Speak to your ISP provider about improving your router and equipment. There are also other logistical steps that a company can take to improve connections.

The first practical option is placing your router in a central position. If you have an open office, using wireless is perfect. Place the router in the centre of the room, above the ground and away from walls and any type of metals or other disruptions. An example of a metal disruption would be filing cabinets.

Disruptions to wireless connections can be caused by cordless phones. It has been discovered that 2.4GHz cordless phones generally cause the most disruptions to wireless connections. Update to 5.8GHz or 900MHz and the problem should be solved.

If disruption is still an issue for your company, then try adjusting the channels on the router. Wireless networks can work on a range of frequencies, similar to a radio. You don't need to change the channel on the PCs using the wireless as they automatically adjust themselves.

If placing the router in a central location is not an option for you, then check the antenna. If you are sending signals to laptops that are fairly new, then you don't have to worry about this. Laptops that have been created in the last couple of years have built in antenna's that are strong and efficient. If you are connecting PCs, then check the antennae that you are using.

The standard antennae are omni-directional. This means they broadcast in all directions around the router. Speak to your ISP provider about a hi-gain antenna. This antenna sends signals in one direction only. Point the antenna in the direction where connection is needed the most.

If it is range that is causing the connection to go down, then ask your ISP company about getting a wireless repeater. A repeater can be placed at critical points between the access point and the PC. This will immediately strengthen your connection between these two points.

Wireless is fast becoming the most efficient way to connect to the internet. It has advanced from the old days when PCs used to huddle around the router. Technology has grown to the point where whole offices should be able to connect wirelessly for a reliable connection. If you are still having problems, then perhaps the best solution is to get an ISP that can assist you with getting what you need to run your company.

Celeste writes for Star Internet Business, who specialise in ISP.

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